From NPR

“Italy wasn’t a single nation until about 150 years ago, and there are some really fascinating regions that remain distinct. A case in point: the cultural, artistic and linguistic traditions that ground Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino (CSG), who come from Salento, on Italy’s “boot heel” in Salento, Puglia. Much of their music is based on the taranta (also known as pizzica), a dance rooted in ancient local trance ritual.

Forty years after its founding, CGS is now in its second generation of members, but they haven’t lost their roots. And they’ve pushed their sound into the 21st century through collaborations with other artists. Their new song “Taranta” finds them working with popular Italian composer Ludovico Einaudi, who co-wrote the song with the band’s leader, Mauro Durante.



(testo: M. Durante / musica: L. Einaudi, M. Durante)

io tegnu nu tormentu intra lu piettu
ca me consuma e nu se ferma mai

me tremula la terra sutta li peti
nu c’è mai fine pe lu miu cadire

quiddhu ca mangiu nu tene sapore
pe mie nu c’è chiui luce ne culore

la gente sapia comu t’i curare
ci lu tou male se chiama’ taranta

e osce ca li tempi hannu cangiati
ci è ca po sentire lu miu dulore

e ci me porta l’acqua pe sanare
a ci chiedu la grazia pe guarire

nu sacciu ci è taranta ca me tene
ma nu me lassa e me face mpaccire

ci è taranta nu me abbandunare
ci balli sulu nu te puei curare

ci e’ taranta lassala ballare
ci e’ malencunia cacciala fore

Translation in English

I hold anguish in my chest

This is killing me and never stops
The ground is trembling under my feet
There’s no stopping me falling
What I eat has no taste
for me there is no more light nor color
People knew how you had to cure yourself
If your ilness was called taranta
And now that time have changed
Who can feel my pain
Who brings me the water to cure
Who shall I ask to grant me recovery
I don’t know if it’s taranta that got me
But it doesn’t let me and makes me crazy
If it’s taranta don’t let me down
If you dance alone you cannot heal
If it’s taranta let her dance
If it’s melancholy throw it out

Director: Gabriele Surdo
Starring: CGS
Dop: Flavio&Frank
Concept: G. Surdo
Editing: G. Surdo
Camera Operator: Maham Mehrabi
Key Grip: Luca Perenich
Dop Assistant: Consiglio Manni
Hair / Make-up: Melissa Mariano
Soundtrack: Taranta (Quaranta / Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino / Ponderosa music&art, Italy 2015)
ISRC CODE: IT50X1500001

Mauro Durante: violino, tamburello, cori
Giulio Bianco: flauti, zampogna, armonica, fiati, basso
Emanuele Licci: voce, chitarra, bouzouki
Massimiliano Morabito: organetto
Giancarlo Paglialunga: voce, tamburello, bendir, tapan
Silvia Perrone: danza
Alessia Tondo: voce, castagnette, percussioni


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